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Final conference of the Franco-Swedish Program for Philosophy and Economics

The final conference of the Franco-Swedish Program for Philosophy and Economics will take place at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala on

June 8-10.

A group of prominent philosophers and economists will meet there to discuss issues at the border between the two disciplines.

A provisional program is attached.

Paris Workshop in “Ethics and Economics” (EthiEco)

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the next

Paris Workshop in “Ethics and Economics” (EthiEco)

Thursday December 4 2014, 3 :00-7 :00pm

Room S001, Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris 6th district

 The theme of this workshop will be « Ethics and climate change » (talks will be in French).

 We will have three speakers :

       Charles FIGUIERES, INRA, LAMETA (Montpellier)

–       Antonin POTTIER, CIRED (Paris)

–       Cédric RIO, MAPP (U. Poitiers)

The organizing committee: Stéphane Chauvier, Mikaël Cozic, Franz Dietrich, Speranta Dumitru, Stéphane Zuber.

Here is the program:


June 26-27: Workshop “Inequalities”

This is an event organized by the Franco-Swedish Programme in Philosophy and Economics supported by Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and the Swedish Collegium for Advanced.

Attendance is free and open, but registration is mandatory due to space limitation.

Please contact Olga Stepanova at to register.


Speakers: Richard ARNESON (U. San Diego), Nicolas GRAVEL (U. Aix-Marseille), Nils HOLTUG (U. Copenhague), Florence JUSOT (U. Paris-Dauphine), Damien BRICARD (U. Paris-Dauphine), Dirk NEUMANN (Leuven U.), Andreas PEICHL (U. Mannheim), Eugenio PELUSO (U. Verone), Vito PERAGINE (U. Bari), Shlomi SEGALL (Hebrew U.), Peter VALLENTYNE (U. Missouri)


Convenors: Gustaf ARRHENIUS and Marc FLEURBAEY


VENUE: Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 190 avenue de France, Paris 13ème arrondissement.

Public transportation: Métro Ligne 6, station Quai de la gare; Métro Ligne 14, station Bibliothèque François Mitterrand; RER C, Station Bibliothèque François Mitterrand; Bus Ligne 89, arrêt Quai de la Gare.


Here is the program Workshop-Inequality-June 2014

June 5-6: Workshop “Power”

This is an event organized by the Franco-Swedish Programme in Philosophy and Economics supported by Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study.

Attendance is free and open, but registration is mandatory due to space limitation.

Please contact Olga Stepanova at to register.



Miguel BALLESTER (UAB Barcelona), Luc BOVENS (Trent, Canada), Keith DOWDING (ANU), Chandra KUMAR (U. of York), Annick LARUELLE (IKERBasque), Peter MORRISS (Galway), Marcus PIVATO, Agnieszka RUSINOWSKA (CES, Paris)


Convenors: Gustaf ARRHENIUS and Marc FLEURBAEY


VENUE: Maison Suger, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 16-18 rue Suger, Paris 6ème arrondissement.

Public transportation: Métro Line 4, station Saint-Michel; Métro Ligne 10, stations Odéon and Cluny-Sorbonne; RER B, Station Saint-Michel/Notre Dame.


Here is the program Workshop-Power-June2014

May 27-28: Workshop “Money Pumps, Dutch Books and Other Picturesque Devices”

This is an event organized by the Franco-Swedish Programme in Philosophy and Economics supported by Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study.

Attendance is free and open, but registration is mandatory due to space limitation.

Please contact Olga Stepanova at to register.


Speakers: Arif Ahmed, John Cantwell, Johan Gustafsson, James Joyce, Anna Mahtani, Philippe Mongin, Martin Peterson, Wlodek Rabinowicz, Katie Steele


Convenors: Johan Gustafsson and Philippe Mongin


VENUE: Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 190 avenue de France, Paris 13ème arrondissement.

Public transportation: Métro Ligne 6, station Quai de la gare; Métro Ligne 14, station Bibliothèque François Mitterrand; RER C, Station Bibliothèque François Mitterrand; Bus Ligne 89, arrêt Quai de la Gare.


Here is the program Workshop-MoneyPumps-May2014



Paris Seminar “Ethics and Economics” (EthiEco)

The Paris Seminar Ethics and Economics (“EthiEco”) is a new biweekly seminar, organized jointly by

• the research center “Centre de recherche sur les liens sociaux” – Université Paris Descartes (Paris 5) and CNRS,

• the Chair “Welfare Economics” at Collège d’Etudes Mondiales, with the support of the Franco-Swedish Programme in Philosophy and Economics (Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study,

• the group “Décision, Rationalité, Interactions” of the research center “Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques” – Université Paris Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1) and CNRS,

• and the research center “Sciences, Normes, Décision” – Université Paris Sorbonne (Paris 4) and CNRS.


15/01/14 : Wlodek RABINOWICZ (U. Lund) : From values to probabilities

30/01/14 : Martin RECHENAUER (U. Munich) : Contractualist ethics and its logical structure

19/02/14 : Danielle ZWARTHOED (U. Louvain): Preferences frugales et justice entre générationsz

12/03/14 : Fériel KANDIL (U. Aix-Marseille): Fondements de la justice

27/03/14 : Bo ROTHSTEIN (U. Gothenburg): Manufacturing Social Solidarity

01/04/14 : Peter GÄRDENFORS (U. Gothenburg): The role of intersubjectivity in the evolution of human cooperation

09/04/14 : Virginie PEROTIN (U. Leeds): Democratic firms and sustainability

23/04/14 : Antoinette BAUJARD (U. St Etienne) : Value judgments in economics expertise

07/05/14 : Robert GOODIN (U. Essex/ANU) : Epistemic Solidarity and the Condorcet Jury Theorem

15/05/14 : Peter HEDSTROM (IFFS, Stockholm): On the explanatory advantages of week action theories

04/06/14 : Nicole HASSOUN (SUNY Binghamton): Measuring global health impact: extending access on essential medicines

05/06/14 : Katie STEELE (LSE)

[This session takes place on a Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, in room D. 116, Maison de la recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris, 6th district]

24/06/14 : Serena OLSARETTI (ICREA Barcelone): Children as negative externalities

The organizing committee : Franz Dietrich, Isabelle Drouet, Speranta Dumitru, Charles Girard, Stéphane Zuber.

Gustaf Arrhenius

Professor of Practical Philosophy at Stockholm University

Affiliated researcher at the Collège d’études mondiales; the Institute for Future Studies; and the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics

Member of the Tampere Club and the Young Academy of Sweden

He has recently been Torgny Segerstedt Pro Futura Scientia Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study; visiting researcher at l’Institut d’études avancées-Paris and CERSES, CNRS, Paris; Senior Visiting Fellow at Jesus College, Oxford; and Fellow at SCAS. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy from University of Toronto and his FD in practical philosophy from Uppsala University. Arrhenius research interests are primarily in moral and political philosophy, and he is especially interested in issues in the intersection between moral and political philosophy and the medical and social sciences (e.g., economics, law, and political science). He has written extensively on our moral obligations to future generations, applying the methods of social choice and game theory.

Currently he’s researching issues in population ethics, the structure of value, measurement of inequality, democratic theory, and the measurement and fair distribution of power. See here for a popular presentation of his recent research in English and here for a French version.

Gustaf Arrhenius’ home page

Marc Fleurbaey

Director of the Chair on the Economics of Welfare and Social Justice at the CEM FMSH (Paris)
Robert E. Kuenne Professor of Economics and Humanistic Studies at the University of Princeton (USA)

He obtained his PhD at EHESS in 1994, and then was a professor of economics and CNRS researcher in France.
He has published Fairness, Responsibility, and Welfare (Oxford 2008) and A Theory of Fairness and Social Welfare (Cambridge 2011, with F. Maniquet), as well as many articles in welfare economics, public economics, and political philosophy in journals such as Econometrica, the Journal of Economic Theory, or the Journal of Political Economy.

Marc Fleurbaey’s web page

Stéphane Zuber

Chargé de Recherche at CNRS, affiliated with CERSES, Université Paris-Descartes and CNRS

Coordinator of the Chair on Welfare Economics and Social Justice at CEM-FMSH

Coordinator of the project EquiRisk

Associated researcher with the Chair of Integrative Risk Management and Economics (IRME), Center for Economic Research, ETH Zürich

He obtained his PhD at Toulouse School of Economics in 2007, and then was a postdoctoral research student at CORE, Université catholique de Louvain, under a FP7 intra-european research fellowship.

He has published several papers in international peer-reviewed journal such as the Journal of Economic Theory, the International Economic Review, Social Choice and Welfare or Theory and Decision.

Stéphane Zuber’s website

Online papers

H. Orri Stefánsson

Orri is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Franco-Swedish Program in Philosophy and Economics since March 2014.

Before that, he was a PhD student in philosophy at London School of Economics and Political Science.

His main areas of research are: decision theory and formal epistemology; philosophical logic; moral and political philosophy; counterfactuals; probability and chance.

Orri’s webpage:




Wlodek RABINOWICZ, U. Lund and LSE, 09/01/14-18/01/14

François MANIQUET, U.C. Louvain, 13/01/14-17/01/14; 13/05/14-14/05/14

Koen DECANCQ, U. Antwerpen, 13/01/14-24/01/14

Erik SCHOKKAERT, U. Leuven, 20/01/14-24/01/14

Martin RECHENAUER, U. München, 29/01/14-31/01/14

Bo ROTHSTEIN, U. Göteborg, 27/03/14-30/03/14

Peter GÄRDENFORS, U. Lund, 31/03/14-04/04/14

Virginie PEROTIN, Leeds U., 06/04/14-14/04/14

Peter HEDSTRÖM, IFFS – Stockholm, 01/05/14-23/05/14

Chandra KUMAR, York U., 13/05/14-20/07/14

Koichi TADENUMA, Hitotsubashi U., 13/05/14-23/05/14

Katie STEELE, London School of Economics, 28/05/14-03/06/14

Nicole HASSOUN, Binghamton U., 01/06/14-30/06/14

Serena OLSARETTI, ICREA Barcelona, 22/06/14-25/06/14

Vito PERAGINE, U. Bari, 25/06/14-05/07/14


Chandra KUMAR, June 15–July 15

Michael J. ZIMMERMAN, May 25–June 9

Folke TERSMAN, May 16–May 22

Iwao HIROSE, May 1–July 15

John BROOME, Mar. 18–31

Franz DIETRICH, Spring

Wlodek RABINOWICZ, Jan. 10–20


Matthew ADLER, June

Erik CARLSON, June

Laurence KRANICH, June

Giacomo VALLETTA, mid-Apr.–mid-June

John WEYMARK, Apr.

Folke TERSMAN, Mar.

Vito PERAGINE, Feb.–June


François MANIQUET, Feb.

Koen DECANCQ, Jan.