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Paris Seminar “Ethics and Economics” (EthiEco)

The Paris Seminar Ethics and Economics (“EthiEco”) is a new biweekly seminar, organized jointly by

• the research center “Centre de recherche sur les liens sociaux” – Université Paris Descartes (Paris 5) and CNRS,

• the Chair “Welfare Economics” at Collège d’Etudes Mondiales, with the support of the Franco-Swedish Programme in Philosophy and Economics (Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, and Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study,

• the group “Décision, Rationalité, Interactions” of the research center “Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques” – Université Paris Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris 1) and CNRS,

• and the research center “Sciences, Normes, Décision” – Université Paris Sorbonne (Paris 4) and CNRS.


15/01/14 : Wlodek RABINOWICZ (U. Lund) : From values to probabilities

30/01/14 : Martin RECHENAUER (U. Munich) : Contractualist ethics and its logical structure

19/02/14 : Danielle ZWARTHOED (U. Louvain): Preferences frugales et justice entre générationsz

12/03/14 : Fériel KANDIL (U. Aix-Marseille): Fondements de la justice

27/03/14 : Bo ROTHSTEIN (U. Gothenburg): Manufacturing Social Solidarity

01/04/14 : Peter GÄRDENFORS (U. Gothenburg): The role of intersubjectivity in the evolution of human cooperation

09/04/14 : Virginie PEROTIN (U. Leeds): Democratic firms and sustainability

23/04/14 : Antoinette BAUJARD (U. St Etienne) : Value judgments in economics expertise

07/05/14 : Robert GOODIN (U. Essex/ANU) : Epistemic Solidarity and the Condorcet Jury Theorem

15/05/14 : Peter HEDSTROM (IFFS, Stockholm): On the explanatory advantages of week action theories

04/06/14 : Nicole HASSOUN (SUNY Binghamton): Measuring global health impact: extending access on essential medicines

05/06/14 : Katie STEELE (LSE)

[This session takes place on a Thursday from 6:00pm to 8:00pm, in room D. 116, Maison de la recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris, 6th district]

24/06/14 : Serena OLSARETTI (ICREA Barcelone): Children as negative externalities

The organizing committee : Franz Dietrich, Isabelle Drouet, Speranta Dumitru, Charles Girard, Stéphane Zuber.